Written at Jan 19, 2022 12:00:00 AM
by Julia Pacewicz

Facebook’s new name has been on everyone’s mind for the last couple of days. Why? Because it sets the new standard for the future of social media. And HubSpot has already joined the speedy train. How? Two words - Digital Experiences.


The new Metaverse is a new digital world of applications and experiences shared between members in virtual reality. As Mark Zuckerberg revealed in the latest presentation, “in order to unlock the potential of the metaverse, there needs to be interoperability”. In other words, the platform must accommodate a free flow and exchange of information. And that’s exactly what HubSpot is doing by engaging all of the different Hubs together. In order to use HubSpot to its full potential, we recommend utilizing all of the different products that HubSpot offers because they complement each other. As explained in our previous blog post


… having all of the tools in one place allows you to manage all of your data seamlessly and directly in your HubSpot account. You will receive detailed reporting on every aspect of your business- whether it’s sale deals, marketing campaigns, or website traffic. From there, you will be able to make educated business decisions based on elaborate knowledge about how your visitors, potential leads, and clients interact with your digital assets. If integrated together, the different Hubs will work closely in conjunction with each other to fill the gaps. A good integration will funnel all activity on your website straight into your HubSpot account for instant analysis and actionable insights. 


Zuckerberg also mentioned ​​that the most important experience of all is “connecting with people”. So, how can you achieve that with HubSpot? Creating personalized content, e.g., automatically inserting prospects’ names in email campaigns or generating different CTAs based on visitor retention or even using the language switcher option to accommodate different audiences. Through many different analysis tools, HubSpot helps you to better understand your audience - starting from visitors through leads to customers. All in all, it’s about creating such deep and meaningful connections with your customers to take them a step higher so they become not only your clients but your brand promoters.


The last point in Zuckeberg’s presentation that I would like to pay attention to is “​​feeling with presence”. Presence is embedded in the connections that we talked about but also in the accurate and visual representation of the world. In the case of website design and development, that would be your brand. Creating websites that are not just business cards for your company but rather display an authentic portrayal of your brand. The trends in website design seem to be moving towards storytelling. How to do that? By creating a website with a “personal look” - showing the human aspect of your brand helps with the visitor-to-lead conversion as prospective customers can empathize more with authentic human experience. You can do that through picking appropriate content e.g., relying on images rather than text; creating gallery modules to display the profiles of your experts; or utilizing HubSpot’s video marketing tool and making reference videos with CTAs to generate leads. 


ClickRay specializes in creating premium digital assets based in HubSpot aimed at stimulating digital transformations for growth-driven companies. We develop fully personalized and all-encompassing systems that utilize different technologies, all in one place. Speak with our HubSpot expert today to learn how we can take your business to the next level.



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Julia Pacewicz

Marketing Manager @ ClickRay

Julia is a RevOps Consultant & Brand Strategist. She received her B.A. in Psychology and Art History from New York University and her M.A. in Heritage & Memory Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Julia's background in humanities has helped her in creating digital experiences for ClickRay's customers.